Saturday, October 31, 2009

BP1_20091101_Getting Started with Blogger

In both traditional classroom settings and corporate environments, blogging is a great way to share and connect with people and groups over different geographical spaces and time. Whether you are an instructional designer looking to connect with others in your field to discuss new design principles, or, you are a high school English teacher looking for new projects to incorporate into your classroom, the chances are good that you will be able to find some great information, and network with other users when researching blogs.

There is no limit on the subjects that are currently being “blogged” about. As an educator looking to incorporate blogging into the classroom, I have compiled a list below of some great ideas and/or uses for blogging. Enjoy!

  • Create ongoing portfolios of student writing samples
  • Allow students to express opinions on topics being studied in class
  • Have students describe classroom activities using vocabulary terms
  • Use blogs as a forum for students to provide feedback on classroom activities and procedures
  • Report on current events
By: Tara Roe

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